Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Getting used to or unused to

If you are away from a place long enough or frequently enough, some things change. Sometimes you get used to living in a certain way, sometimes its the food. As lot of my friends who come back to India tell me, its probably the water, the food or the hygiene thereof.

Its taken as a given that people will fall sick at least once during the home trip. Stomach, throat, cold, viral...take a pick.
Of the lot, stomach disorders are most common. So people avoid outside food, try sticking to mineral water bottles (oops packaged water bottles) etc.

I have always gloated that I have been largely immune. Part of the reason a lot of my food will be at home or at better restaurants. I did have a little bit of adjusting to do to Kolkata street food while I was there last year. But it was a quick adjustment.

Of course I will be found eating the pani-puris/golgappa/puchkas at the local chaat corner. That and a meetha paan is a sure thing in first couple of days for me. Can't get good one of those anywhere.

BUT...one thing no one ever has ever complained and I found irritating for the very first time (still trying to figure out a reason why it didn't bother me earlier) are the mosquitoes.

They have been troubling me ever since I sat in the cab for ride back home. Mosquitoes have been prominent absentees in all my houses and hotel rooms. So they should have bothered me earlier.

And why do they not feature in people's list of the happenings on the trip home?

May be its the timing of visit...too hot in June for them to survive and too cold in november/december...I doubt.
But its worth spending some pennies for the thoughts on it.